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Academy Leadership

Sarah Carrie

Executive Principal

Sarah Carrie’s ambition from a young age was to become a professional dancer. She achieved this ambition after training at the highly acclaimed Northern School of Contemporary Dance in Leeds, graduating with a Bachelor of Performing Arts Degree in Dance. During her career as a dancer she was fortunate enough to work with ...


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Richard Chattoe

Principal - Leeds City Academy

Prior to commencing his role as Principal at Leeds City Academy in March 2019, Richard worked as Vice Principal at Leeds West Academy, with responsibility for the improvement in the quality of Teaching, Learning and Assessment across the school. Richard was delighted to have played such a significant role in establishing a range of innovative and highly impactful strategies...

Dan Whieldon

Principal - Leeds West Academy

Dan has been Principal at Leeds West Academy since September 2020 after initially joining the academy as a Vice Principal in 2018 before promotion to Head of School and subsequently to Principal. Leeds West has undergone a transformative period..



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Danny Bullock

Principal - Leeds East Academy

Danny started at the Trust in 2013 as a Computer Science Teacher at Leeds West Academy through the Teach First programme. Danny joined the Teach First programme because of his relentless passion to improve the life chances of young people. This passion and mission for working with young people began when...

Kate Burton

Principal - Alder Tree Primary

Kate Burton began teaching in Manchester at Old Trafford Primary in 2003 and as her career progressed she moved across to Bradford.  She has worked at Bowling Park Primary School since 2008 as an Assistant Head for EYFS, Deputy Head and more recently Head of School...

Vice Principals

Rachel Sharples

Vice Principal - White Rose Academies Trust

Rachel Sharples is delighted to join the White Rose Academies Trust as Vice Principal focusing on Academy improvement. Prior to her appointment, Rachel was Assistant Principal with responsibility for driving the quality of Teaching and Learning at Darton Academy, part of the Delta Academies Trust...


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Nicola Widnall
Vice Principal - White Rose Academies Trust

Hailing originally from the Brecon Beacons, Nicola graduated from the University of Leeds in 2005 with a degree in Spanish Language and Literature, before continuing her studies there and completing her PGCE in Secondary Modern Foreign Languages...


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 Registered in England & Wales, Reg. No. 07958615

Registered Office: Leeds City Academy, Bedford Field, Woodhouse Cliff, LS6 2LG

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